Page Title:
Sons of Liberty Flags : Rebellious Stripes
The Sons of Liberty was founded by Sam Adams as a response to The
Stamp Act of 1765
Sons of Liberty Flags "Rebellious Stripes"
Nine Stripe, Representing the nine
protesting colonies that participated in the Stamp Act Congress
Click to enlarge
SEWN Nylon Stripes, heading & grommets
3x5' #H147 $89.00
Sons of Liberty Flag, 9
Sons of Liberty Flags
Thirteen Stripe
 Sons of Liberty, 13 stripe3x5'
Nylon, SEWN Stripes, heading &
4x6" 13 stripe Sons of Liberty desk flag with
a base is priced on this page:
Sons of Liberty Desk Flag |
"The Constitution Flag"

Count the stripes. Oops. This flag was supposed to be
nine Vertical stripes.
It is a mistake. It was never a real flag.
The Constitution stated
that when nine states ratified it, it would go into effect over those nine
New Hampshire was the ninth state. Call this the Constitution Ratification flag if you'd like.
I call it "The Constitution Flag"
Call it anything you like but call it
only $4.95 for a swell nine stripe nylon flag
with SEWN stripes, heading and grommets. Limited to the stock on hand
PS: The next time someone asks you
how many original states we had maybe you should answer "9". Nine states
gave us a nation. No other states were required. Once New Hampshire
ratified, the process to elect a congress and a president had begun. If no
other states had ratified, we would have had a nation of nine states.
As it was, the day George Washington was sworn in, we were
a nation of 11 states, NOT 13. On that day, North Carolina and Rhode
Island were independent republics. They had rejected The Constitution and
were NOT part of the new United States of America.
Be the first one on your block to fly the the new "first
flag of the United States". People will ask you what it means, and you'll
get to tell the story. By the way,
George Washington is the only President to have been elected unanimously,
twice! However, in the first election he only carried ten states. Why?
You already know now that North Carolina and Rhode Island
were not part of the United States so they could not vote....
New York could not get its act together in time! Feuding
factions could not agree on how to chose presidential electors and New
York missed the deadline to take part in the election. Talk about voter
suppression! New York suppressed its own vote.
Hey, New York's vote to approve The Declaration of
Independence did not come through until July 19, 1776. We are the Great
Late State of New York! The next
time you are at a dinner party, amaze your friends by asking "Who can tell
me why not a single New Yorker voted for George Washington in the first
Presidential election?" They'll think you are kidding but you'll get to
tell the story. |
Cotton Sons of Liberty Flags
All with sewn stripes
Custom Made: please confirm

Finished two ways:
(Click to enlarge) |

Heading and Grommets

Sleeve with tab |
13 Stripe Cotton Sons of Liberty Flag
3x5' with heading and grommets
#H128C Custom Made Please inquire

13 Stripe Cotton Sons of Liberty Flag
3x5' with sleeve and tab
#H128CS Custom Made Please inquire
9 Stripe Cotton Sons of Liberty Flag
3x5' with heading and grommets
#H147C Custom made to
order. Please inquire
9 Stripe Cotton Sons of Liberty Flag
3x5' with sleeve and tab
Custom made to order. Please inquire
"Hey Al, why do
thirteen stripes cost less than nine stripes?" The 13 stripe version is mass
produced from production run stripes that are made by the mile for the
creation of 50 star American flags. It costs much less to produce. The
nine stripe version is made one at a time by an American worker who sits
there and sews it. Both are MADE IN USA.
So what is the deal with Sons of Liberty flags? Why are
there two versions? As I look around the Internet, I find more
explanations than you can shake a stick at. Some say that the nine stripe
version came first. The nine stripes are variously explained. A common
explanation is that they represent the nine colonies that attended the
Stamp Act Congress of 1765. Alternatively, "The four white and five red
stripes were symbolic of '45' the number of the pamphlet published
in 1763 by the English civil-rights activist John Wilkes, whose influence
on the American revolutionary movement was second only to Tom Paine's 'Common
Sense.' ... Later, the symbolism of '9' came to apply to the nine
states represented at the adoption of the Constitution on September 17,
1787 - and also the nine states which ratified it into existence." Source:
Mastai, The Stars and the Stripes
Wikipedia says that the Sons of Liberty adopted the nine
stripe version in 1767, when it was known as the "rebellious stripes flag",
but that a thirteen stripe version also became associated with the Sons of
I tell you what I have NEVER seen: An explanation how a secret
organization even used a flag in the first place. I mean, if you are part
of a secret underground organization do you fly its flag from your front
door or enter a float in a parade? I don't think so.
So who were these guys anyway? Well, they were quite the
rabble rousers. No shrinking violets they. Their methods of opposing the
theft by their own British government of the civil liberties they possessed as free British citizens was not limited to essays, debates,
committees and petitions. These guys would clean your clock. They would
tar and feather, (a sometimes deadly procedure) they would tear your house
down, they might raid your ships and dump your cargo into the harbor, burn
your ship or
duke it out with your king's troops. They planned and carried out the
Boston Tea Party. Names associated with them include Paul Revere, Sam Adams,
James Otis and even John Adams. All writings I see describe the group more as an
association and movement rather than an organization as we know it with formal
structure and membership cards.
All writers I have read describe these fellows as the
radicals. They were very mad and they were not going to take it anymore. They
seem to have been a movement more than a formal organization. They could call
for action that was general enough for any supporter to call himself a son of
liberty. As a result of their widespread opposition, The Stamp Act became
unenforceable and was repealed in 1766.