Page Title: Foreign Flags, International Flags
Outdoor Flags 100% Nylon Finished With Heading/Grommets
To determine a price, use the price code from
the country list and simply look at this price chart
Price Code |
Each |
Each |
Each |
Each |
A |
$27.00 |
$36.50 |
$50.00 |
$78.00 |
B |
33.80 |
54.00 |
85.50 |
112.00 |
C |
39.20 |
62.00 |
90.00 |
126.00 |
D |
44.20 |
63.00 |
93.50 |
128.00 |
E |
47.20 |
72.50 |
103.00 |
147.00 |
F |
60.00 |
83.00 |
115.00 |
156.00 |
UN Set, 193 Members |
$7,190 |
$10,670 |
$15,390 |
$23,020 |
For Indoor/Parade Flags 100% Nylon
Finished With Sleeve & Gold Fringe
To determine a price, use the price code from
the country list and simply look at this price chart
Code |
Each |
Each |
A |
Add $42.00 to the prices
above for pole hem and gold fringe. |
Add $60.00 to the prices above for pole hem and gold
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
4x6" column shows availability in miniature.
Prices for 4x6" desk size flags are here:4x6"
Country List |
Bold type indicates UN Membership |
Model # |
4x6" |
Price Code |
Afghanistan |
2 |
Yes |
D |
African American |
2A |
Yes |
A |
Albania |
4 |
Yes |
D |
Algeria |
5 |
Yes |
D |
Andorra (government) |
7 |
Yes |
F |
Andorra (civil) |
7A |
A |
Angola |
8 |
Yes |
D |
Antigua & Barbuda |
9 |
Yes |
E |
Argentina (government) |
10 |
Yes |
C |
Argentina (civil) |
11 |
A |
Armenia |
12 |
Yes |
B |
Aruba |
13 |
Yes |
D |
Australia |
14 |
Yes |
C |
Austria |
15 |
Yes |
A |
Azerbaijan |
16 |
Yes |
F |
Bahamas |
18 |
Yes |
C |
Bahrain |
19 |
Yes |
F |
Bangladesh |
20 |
Yes |
D |
Barbados |
21 |
Yes |
F |
Belarus |
23 |
Yes |
D |
Belgium |
24 |
Yes |
A |
Belize |
25 |
Yes |
F |
Benin |
26 |
Yes |
D |
Bermuda |
27 |
Yes |
F |
Bhutan |
28 |
Yes |
E |
Bolivia (government) |
29 |
Yes |
E |
Bolivia (civil) |
29A |
A |
Bosnia & Herzegovina |
31 |
Yes |
E |
Botswana |
32 |
Yes |
B |
Brazil |
33 |
Yes |
D |
Ensigns |
British Virgin Islands |
34 |
Yes |
F |
Brunei Darussalam |
35 |
Yes |
E |
Bulgaria |
36 |
Yes |
A |
Burkina Faso |
38 |
Yes |
D |
Burundi |
40 |
Yes |
E |
Cambodia |
44 |
Yes |
E |
Cameroon |
45 |
Yes |
D |
Canadian Stick Flags, Hand Held |
46 |
Yes |
B |
Cape Verde |
47 |
Yes |
F |
Central African Republi |
49 |
Yes |
E |
Chad |
51 |
Yes |
B |
Chile |
52 |
Yes |
C |
China |
53 |
Yes |
C |
Colombia |
55 |
Yes |
A |
Comoros |
56 |
Yes |
E |
Congo (Democratic
Rep) |
57 |
Yes |
D |
Congo (Republic of the)
57A |
Yes |
E |
Costa Rica
(government) |
58 |
Yes |
E |
Costa Rica (civil) |
58A |
B |
Bold type indicates UN Membership |
Model# |
4x6" |
Price Code |
Côte d'Ivoire |
59 |
Yes |
B |
Croatia |
60 |
Yes |
D |
Cuba |
62 |
Yes |
B |
Cyprus |
63 |
Yes |
F |
Czech Republic |
64 |
Yes |
C |
Denmark |
66 |
Yes |
B |
Djibouti |
67 |
Yes |
E |
Dominica |
68 |
Yes |
F |
Dominican Republic (gov't) |
69 |
Yes |
E |
Dominican Republic (civil) |
69A |
D |
Ecuador (government) |
70 |
Yes |
F |
Ecuador (civil) |
70A |
A |
Egypt |
71 |
Yes |
D |
El Salvador (government) |
72 |
Yes |
F |
El Salvador (civil) |
72A |
A |
Equatorial Guinea |
73 |
Yes |
F |
Erin Go Bragh |
74 |
Yes |
D |
Eritrea |
74A |
Yes |
F |
Estonia |
75 |
Yes |
B |
Ethiopia |
76 |
Yes |
B |
European Economic Comm. |
78 |
Yes |
E |
Faroe Islands |
79 |
Yes |
B |
Fiji |
81 |
Yes |
F |
Finland |
82 |
Yes |
B |
France |
83 |
Yes |
A |
French Royal Standard CLOSEOUT #H150
$39.00 3x5' Nylon with heading
and grommets
Gabon |
84 |
Yes |
A |
Gambia |
85 |
Yes |
C |
Georgia, Republic of |
86 |
Yes |
B |
Germany |
87 |
Yes |
A |
Ghana |
89 |
Yes |
D |
Greece |
90 |
Yes |
D |
Grenada |
92 |
Yes |
E |
Guatemala (government) |
93 |
Yes |
E |
Guatemala (civil) |
93A |
A |
Guinea |
94 |
Yes |
B |
95 |
Yes |
D |
Guyana |
96 |
Yes |
E |
Haiti (government) |
97 |
Yes |
F |
Haiti (civil) |
97A |
A |
Honduras |
98 |
Yes |
D |
Hong Kong |
99 |
Yes |
F |
Hungary |
100 |
Yes |
A |
Iceland |
101 |
Yes |
D |
India |
102 |
Yes |
D |
Indonesia |
103 |
Yes |
A |
Iran |
104 |
Yes |
C |
Iraq New Version 1/28/08 |
105 |
Yes |
F |
Ireland |
107 |
Yes |
A |
Israel |
108 |
Yes |
B |
Italy |
109 |
Yes |
A |
Bold type indicates UN Membership |
Model# |
4x6" |
Price Code |
Jamaica |
111 |
Yes |
F |
yash |
112 |
Yes |
D |
Jordan |
113 |
Yes |
E |
Kazakhstan |
114 |
Yes |
D |
Kenya |
115 |
Yes |
D |
Kiribati |
116 |
Yes |
E |
Korea (North) |
65 |
Yes |
F |
Korea (South) |
171 |
Yes |
C |
Kosova |
116A |
No |
F |
Kuwait |
119 |
Yes |
E |
Kyrgyzstan |
120 |
Yes |
F |
Laos |
121 |
Yes |
D |
Latvia |
123 |
Yes |
B |
Lebanon |
124 |
Yes |
E |
Lesotho |
125 |
Yes |
D |
Liberia |
126 |
Yes |
F |
Libya |
127 |
Yes |
A |
Liechtenstein |
128 |
Yes |
E |
Lithuania |
129 |
Yes |
B |
Luxembourg |
130 |
Yes |
A |
Macedonia |
130A |
Yes |
E |
Madagascar |
131 |
Yes |
C |
Malawi |
132 |
Yes |
D |
Malaysia |
133 |
Yes |
E |
Maldives |
134 |
Yes |
E |
Mali |
135 |
Yes |
B |
Malta |
136 |
Yes |
D |
Marshall Islands |
137 |
Yes |
E |
Mauritania |
138 |
Yes |
F |
Mauritius |
139 |
Yes |
B |
Mexico |
140 |
Yes |
B |
Micronesia |
80 |
Yes |
E |
Moldova |
142 |
Yes |
F |
Monaco |
143 |
Yes |
A |
Mongolia |
144 |
Yes |
E |
Morocco |
145 |
Yes |
F |
Mozambique |
146 |
Yes |
E |
Myanmar |
147 |
Yes |
D |
Namibia |
148 |
Yes |
E |
Nauru |
149 |
Yes |
E |
Nepal |
150 |
Yes |
E |
Netherlands |
151 |
Yes |
A |
Netherlands Antilles |
152 |
Yes |
E |
New Zealand |
153 |
Yes |
C |
Nicaragua (government) |
154 |
Yes |
E |
Nicaragua (civil) |
154A |
A |
Niger |
155 |
Yes |
D |
Nigeria |
156 |
Yes |
B |
Norway |
157 |
Yes |
B |
Oman |
158 |
Yes |
E |
Pakistan |
159 |
Yes |
E |
Palau |
159A |
Yes |
E |
Palestine |
160 |
Yes |
B |
Panama |
161 |
Yes |
D |
Bold type indicates UN Membership |
Model # |
4x6" |
Price Code |
Papua New Guinea
162 |
Yes |
F |
Paraguay |
163 |
Yes |
D |
Peru (government) |
164 |
Yes |
E |
Peru (civil) |
164A |
A |
Philippines |
165 |
Yes |
D |
Poland |
166 |
Yes |
A |
Poland w/ Eagle |
167 |
Yes |
C |
Portugal |
169 |
Yes |
E |
Puerto Rico |
Qatar |
170 |
Yes |
F |
Red Cross |
170A |
Yes |
C |
Romania |
172 |
Yes |
B |
Russian Federation |
173 |
Yes |
A |
Rwanda |
174 |
Yes |
F |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
175 |
Yes |
D |
Saint Lucia |
176 |
Yes |
D |
Saint Vincent Grenadines
177 |
Yes |
E |
Samoa |
178 |
Yes |
D |
San Marino (government) |
180 |
Yes |
F |
San Marino (civil) |
179 |
B |
Sao Tome and Principe |
181 |
Yes |
F |
Saudi Arabia |
182 |
Yes |
E |
Scotland -St. Andrews Cross |
183 |
Yes |
B |
Scotland-Rampant Lion |
184 |
Yes |
C |
Senegal |
185 |
Yes |
D |
Serbia (no seal) |
185A |
A |
Serbia and Montenegro |
185B |
Yes |
A |
Seychelles |
187 |
Yes |
E |
Sierra Leone |
188 |
Yes |
B |
Singapore |
189 |
Yes |
E |
Slovakia |
189A |
Yes |
E |
Slovenia |
190 |
Yes |
E |
Solomon Islands
191 |
Yes |
E |
Somalia |
192 |
Yes |
D |
South Africa |
193 |
Yes |
F |
Spain (government) |
194 |
Yes |
E |
Spain (civil) |
195 |
A |
Sri Lanka |
196 |
Yes |
E |
Sudan |
197 |
Yes |
E |
Suriname |
198 |
Yes |
F |
Swaziland |
199 |
Yes |
E |
Sweden |
200 |
Yes |
B |
Switzerland |
201 |
Yes |
C |
Syria |
202 |
Yes |
C |
Tahiti (no seal) |
203 |
A |
Taiwan |
204 |
Yes |
E |
Tajikistan |
205 |
Yes |
F |
Tanzania |
224 |
Yes |
E |
Thailand |
207 |
Yes |
B |
Timor-L’este |
207A |
Yes |
E |
Togo |
208 |
Yes |
E |
Tonga |
209 |
Yes |
D |
Trinidad and Tobago |
211 |
Yes |
E |
Tunisia |
212 |
Yes |
D |
Bold type indicates UN Membership |
Model # |
4x6" |
Price Code |
Turkey |
213 |
Yes |
E |
Turkmenistan |
216 |
Yes |
E |
Tuvalu |
217 |
Yes |
D |
Uganda |
218 |
Yes |
F |
Ukraine |
219 |
Yes |
A |
221 |
Yes |
D |
United Arab Emirates |
222 |
Yes |
C |
United Kingdom
British Ensigns |
223 |
Yes |
C |
United Nations |
225 |
Yes |
D |
United States |
226 |
Yes |
Uruguay |
227 |
Yes |
F |
Uzbekistan |
228 |
Yes |
E |
Vanuatu |
229 |
Yes |
E |
Vatican city |
230 |
Yes |
Prices |
Venezuela (government) |
232 |
Yes |
F |
Venezuela (civil) |
233 |
Yes |
C |
Viet Nam |
234 |
Yes |
D |
Wales |
236 |
Yes |
D |
Yemen |
238 |
Yes |
B |
Zambia |
243 |
Yes |
E |
Zimbabwe |
244 |
Yes |
E |
British Ensigns: We picked up a warehouse
pallet clearance deal that included hundreds of British Ensigns so we've gone
British Ensign Crazy! We've never seen so many British Ensigns in one place.
Some of the following designs include close-outs limited to stock on hand. As
such they are real cheap prices on real good flags so get them while you can.
All are outdoor nylon
finished with canvas heading and brass grommets, silk-screened design |
British White Ensign "This is worn by all
HM Ships in commission and by shore establishments. Some Civilian
authorities with Naval connections have been granted permission to use it
in special circumstances. Before 1864 the Fleet comprised 3 Squadrons
using the Red, White and Blue Ensigns respectively. The present design
dates from 1801" Quoted from the Royal Navy web site |
Model # NYLON |
Size |
Price |
#H7123 British White Ensign |
2x3' |
$39.20 |
#H7135 British White Ensign |
3x5' |
$62.00 |
#H7146 British White Ensign |
4x6' |
$90.00 |
#H7158 British White Ensign |
5x8' |
$126.00 |
#H71610 British White Ensign |
6x10' |
$232.00 |
British Red Ensign Modern Version
Nylon Silk-screened Design- "Worn by all British registered merchant
ships and civil craft. Merchant ships under charter to the Navy normally
continue to use the Red Ensign. Some defaced Red Ensigns have been granted to
yacht clubs by Admiralty warrant." Quoted from the Royal Navy Website.
H64 $69.00
The Royal Navy web site tells us that "The RNR
no longer controls its own ships but many opportunities exist to go to sea with
the RN once you are fully trained." However, the web site still has a massive
Royal Naval Reserve page and tells you how to join it. I take it that the RNR
used to exist as a separate entity with its own fleet, but that its duties have
now been absorbed into the Royal Navy. Even the Royal Naval Reserve web site
shows the White Ensign and not the Blue Ensign. Indeed, this from Mr. Faul:
"The plain Blue Ensign is no longer the flag of the Royal Naval
Reserve, nor of ships where a certain proportion of the crew belong to the Royal
Fleet Auxiliaries (which replaced the RNR). In that sense it would not be flown
by the Titanic, were that ship to sail today.
It is still in use by several yacht clubs (e.g. the Royal Southampton Yacht
Club). These clubs have the right to wear the Blue Ensign if it has been
warranted to them by the Admiralty. In the case of government departments, the
Blue Ensign is used with a badge in the outer half to indicate the particular
department. Two examples are the Thames River Police and the Customs and Excise
Department, each of which uses the Blue Ensign on its vessels, with its
identifying badge in the outer half."

$15.95 Each
$12.95 each for any 12 strings
This pricing is for strings with 16 flags all of the same country
International Flag Strings
16 flags 9x12" on a 30' rope
4 gauge polyethylene material, rugged for
outdoors. Specify country by letter style:
Austria #IP3T |
Italy #IPJ |
Belgium #IPB |
Luxemburg #IPK |
Canada #IPP |
Mexico #IPN |
Christian #IPX |
Norway #IPV |
Council of Europe #IPE |
Netherlands #IPH |
Denmark #IPD |
Portugal #IPL |
Finland #IPU |
Puerto Rico #IPS |
France #IPE |
Spain #IPC |
Germany #IPF |
Sweden #IPW |
Greece #IPG |
Quebec #IPQU |
United Kingdom #IPM |
Ireland #IPI |
Israel #IPY |

Mixed International Flag Strings
16 assorted 9x12" flags on 30' rope: Canada, Denmark,
France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Portugal,
Puerto Rico, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
#IPX $7.95
The url for this page is http://flagguys.com/foreign.html